Confidence – Purpose – Passion


My Story

How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become a Transformational Life Coach?

To answer this question, I’ll share a defining moment with you that brought me to where I am today – coaching people like you on exactly what to do to develop a new sense of freedom in their lives, shed their overwhelm from difficult emotions, and ultimately gain clarity on what their best lives look like. It actually all started with a fire! But let me explain…

I had just started my first job out of college in 2009. My degree was in Sociology, so I decided the best option was just to get any decent job I could find. I was stuck behind a desk without any real work to accomplish. I knew I wasn’t using any of my potential and left me bored to tears and unfulfilled.

The saving grace was all the time I had to dive deeper into my own spirituality and self-work.  I recorded my dreams every single day as soon as I got to work.  From there, I was really able to get firsthand experience about how our inner world mirrors our outer world.  This led me to astrology, which uses those same archetypes to speak to our personalities and what’s happening in the world around us as well as inside of us.

Learn more about working with me

I started to question everything. I just knew that there was something more to my life than sitting behind a desk all day, looking busy. Around this same time, I had made my way home from another mundane day at work. I took my dog outside and saw that the house next to me was in full blaze flames. The image of this fire was so poignant to me. I read it as a sign that my job was the house in my life that needed to be set ablaze.  There was an inner fire within me that I needed to bring out into the world in some way. This job was no longer serving me and was keeping me so small. I knew I craved a bigger impact, but I had no idea where to go or what to do next. In that moment I realized how trapped and stuck I felt. The feeling was visceral. It was then that I set on a path to find my true calling in the world.

My next turning point came nine years later when my Saturn return hit me like a brick wall.  What do I truly want?  Why do I keep handing over my power to other people?  What can I do to start feeling like I’m on the right path?  So I did the only thing I knew to do.  I delved into my astrology looking for answers. 

What did I discover?

I have a stellium of planets in Scorpio (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto).  There’s a detective in me who will not stop until the case is solved.  How can I align myself in a way where I’m using all of my best gifts?  The gifts that are innate and most easily accessible to me? 

With all of these planets in my third house, I knew I had to find a way to communicate ideas that have depth and meaning.  I’m not a person who chats about the weather! 

To me, communication is my vehicle for transformation. It changes people’s lives in some way.  Their beliefs, the structures by which they live.  Something that touches them on a really deep level.  I bring this out with my intuitive knowledge of astrology, numerology and archetypal psychology.  And with Jupiter in my 7th house, communicating that with others.  Helping them to dig deeper into themselves so that they can find what happiness, joy and freedom would really look like.

Learn more about working with me

Again, I take this detective archetype and I dig and I search for answers.  I don’t take things at face value.  I’m willing to truly go deep and face things that are scary and uncomfortable for other people.  But it’s my Virgo ascendant and Taurus moon that allows me to ground this energy to create long-lasting transformation that can be seen in a person’s physical health, wealth and well-being.  I do this using a mind-body tool called EFT (emotional freedom techniques) or tapping.

So I knew that my path involved really uncovering, discovering and recovering for others the hidden within themselves, and helping them to transform their overwhelming pasts into a unique story.

I know that there are so many people out there brimming with talent and gifts to share, who are unfulfilled by the monotony of their daily lives and not able to let their true selves shine. 

It took me a long time and a lot of courage to put the pieces together to hit on what I needed to be doing with my life. 

It is now my mission to help women who find themselves playing small, to bring meaning to their lives, to shine with their own brilliant uniqueness and to take their life experiences and create something magnificent from it.

Since then, I’ve worked with many private clients and have led transformational workshops and women’s new moon circles. I left the hustle and bustle of the big city and moved to the beautiful and historic town of Galena, IL. Not only do I feel more free than I ever have before, but I’m excited to continue to grow and learn as I meet more people and travel the world (about to cross Paris off my travel bucket list!)

I’ve created the Your Life Your Way Signature System, a step-by-step system to help women confidently know who they are at the deepest levels, get clear about what activities most fulfill them and find meaning in their pasts so they can move forward feeling powerful, passionate and confident.

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Kristyn is a highly intuitive transformational life coach who can help you move from fear, boredom and feeling lost in your life and career to excitement, passion, and clarity about the direction to take. She is not afraid to ask the hard questions to get to your truth, yet does so in a gentle, nurturing way so that you feel completely supported and safe. She helps you identify clear action steps towards your transformation so that you are not left guessing. Change can be really scary...Kristyn's calm and peaceful demeanor creates space for you make the changes you desire.

May PaolimSassy Life Coach for Moms

Kristyn has an incredible way of identifying the real issues keeping you from feeling fulfilled and excited about your life. You'll have moments of 'Wow, I had no idea but that completely makes sense'. She isn't afraid to dig in and ask the hard questions, yet does it with such compassion that you can't help but open up. You finally get to feel heard and understood.  She brings an immediate sense of calm and helps you have the confidence to navigate to a true transformation. Working with Kristyn is a life-changing experience!

Joanne MosellenBusiness Coach