Lana Cichon

Creator of The Hippie Gypsy Life

What challenges or issues were you struggling with that made you want to start working with Kristyn?

One of the things I struggled with was why I couldn’t just be happy with my life.

I felt powerless, lost and nothing but the tiniest fraction of my former self. I worried about stability, retirement, my future, my PERSON, did I even matter anymore? I had zero value-add to society and yet I was once this girl who took on the world!! What in the hell happened?????????

I was an absolute mess, a shell of my former self, I was unable to find my own way out which in itself was almost unbelievable, I had given up and I had no idea just how far down the rabbit hole I had fallen (and couldn’t get up). 

What was it like working with Kristyn?

Kristyn read between the lines and got out the biggest shovel you have ever seen to start digging through ALL the layers upon layers of my crap.

I would go from despair to crazy awareness during every session.

Each week I would come away slightly repaired, my darkness a little bit lighter, my awareness taking on a whole new shape, I could see that incredible transformation that was starting to happen.

My old self, my confident self, was clawing her way back out….climbing over the brokenness of past and present, struggling to find air.

This was the first time in nearly ten years I actually felt hope! For the first time in a decade, I actually felt like I was going to be okay. Kristyn has helped pull me out of the deepest rabbit hole I have ever been in.

Kristyn and her approach were slowly bringing me back to life and I couldn’t believe how it felt. It was like me meeting an old friend, but that old friend was me!!! I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life!!!!

Describe any “inner changes” you have experienced after working with Kristyn?

My confidence was resurrecting, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten my own power. I. Have. Power. Yep, turns out it’s true!! I couldn’t believe I stopped seeing myself as capable of walking my own path, it had happened so subtly I hadn’t even noticed. I had acquiesced to my environment and had had a slow death.

I can actually work towards providing my OWN security. I don’t have to do it being a bank teller making $11/hr, because that’s the local job market, I can create that in ways I haven’t even thought of yet!!! Wait, what???? I can actually CRAFT an idea, that may even sound CRAZY at first, but you are going to walk me through the process to see how I can make it real? And it can be something I enjoy doing??? Now you’re just talking crazy to me……but she wasn’t!!!!

With Kristyn, I entertained so many scenarios of what I wish my life could look like. She let me explore all of them. We talked about them. We tapped about them. She gave me homework. I was a good student. Because I WANTED what I knew she was lining me up for!

I started looking at EVERY situation differently. I was keenly aware of my responses, reactions, voices in my head (most of which belonged to other uninvited people) and I found my power to manage those reactions based on MY set of intentions.

I took back power, I created boundaries, I adjusted relationships, I found ways to be true to myself and no longer the slave to the image I was expected to be.

Have other people in your life or work noticed a difference in you and if so, what have they said?

If you consider the main question I get asked is, “So when is your next session with Kristyn?” being an example of people noticing, then yes, people have noticed LOL!

Anything else you would want people to know about working with Kristyn?

Kristyn sold me on HERSELF, her approach with me, her wisdom, her words…she let me experience her talent and skills. I am filled with such gratitude that she has been able to sustain this ride with me.

She has had to flex and adapt to wherever I am at, literally and figuratively. Whether we are crossing oceans and time zones or I am stuck on something that has just come up out of the blue and I can’t get passed it. Every single week she meets me wherever I am at, regardless if it is “on topic” for whatever she had planned for that session.

And let me tell you, she handles me like a pro, and every session has had some element of being lifesaving, life growing and life altering for me.

I can tell you this, because I tell EVERYONE this……EVERYBODY should have a Kristyn. Everybody.

Joanne Mosellen, Business Coach

Kristyn has an incredible way of identifying the real issues keeping you from feeling fulfilled and excited about your life. You’ll have moments of ‘Wow, I had no idea but that completely makes sense’. She isn’t afraid to dig in and ask the hard questions, yet does it with such compassion that you can’t help but open up. You finally get to feel heard and understood.  She brings an immediate sense of calm and helps you have the confidence to navigate to a true transformation. Working with Kristyn is a life-changing experience!

Lada Pilarova

Life Coach

When I began coaching with Kristyn, I was having great difficulty trying to start a new business. I had been a stay-at-home mom, so I was very insecure on what I should focus on and where I should start. Kristyn helped me connect to my internal wisdom to find my unique way of doing business. Thanks to Kristyn’s guidance, I was able to connect to my inner power and felt like a hero at the end. I highly recommend Kristyn if you’re looking to be guided through a tough transition in your life. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Madison Frederick, Life Coach

Kristyn has the ability to help and guide you to laser in on an issue that needs to be shifted. She has vast knowledge about how we sabotage ourselves and prevents us from moving forward. I highly recommend her as a transformational coach.

Izzie Huyette-Arrizza, Musician. Healer. Creative. Leader.

THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS PROGRAM! It changed my life for the better. I seriously would have remained miserable or lost without it. I waited for 2-3 years and sampled several other life coaches before taking a chance on this program. I am so thrilled that I held out for the right one/person for me. I look forward to working with Kristyn in the future. This program was just the beginning…

Izzie, before coaching, list 2-3 of the greatest challenges in your life at that time (what types of things kept you awake at night and were pressing problems that needed to be solved in your life?

a) Depleted Energy Levels (I felt like I was in need of a soul cleansing)

b) I was deficient in having proper boundaries in many areas of my life

c) I was lacking a clarity in my vision for the future; Therefore, my creative ideas were scattered and disorganized

How were the above problems impacting your life (list as many as you can recall)?

  • Deficiency in physical energy and mental clarity to emotional blockages – I needed to process/sort through internal issues in order to clear the old, worn out, subconscious programming. Only then did I learn how to receive and let go, which helped to counterbalance all of the giving (and only giving) I was doing.
  • I was miserable, irritable, angry and emotionally off balanced due to lack of boundaries and the depleted energy
  • Overwhelmed with feelings of unworthiness which kept me frozen/stuck

What finally had you say “enough is enough” that inspired you to work with a coach?

  • I was hurt again by yet ANOTHER co-dependent relationship
  • My emotional and physical health were suffering
  • I felt lost, stuck and completely unworthy of moving forward.

What was one of your favorite aspects of coaching?

  • The powerful visualizations and numerous epiphanies that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
  • Gaining clarity about my past in order to use it as fuel for my future endeavors.
  • My understanding of how I previously gave my power away but now that I have collected my bricks of power back from everyone/thing I gave it away to, I not only have a better understanding of how to use those pieces for building blocks moving forward, but I will never again give my power away to others as I had done in the past!

Since coaching, what are some of the tangible results you’ve experienced in your life?

  • I am back to doing Yoga 2-3x per week which has increased my energy levels, healed my mind/body/soul connection, expanded my creative ideas and contributed to my spiritual and overall well being. Because of all of this, I sleep better which had significantly increase my lifestyle in general.
  • My feelings of worthiness have been heightened to levels I have never had before; I feel much more confident in every area of my life but especially in the performing arts.
  • I have created more firm boundaries in all the relationships of my life and I am much healthier and happier because of it.
  • I have more clarity about my future because I have spent 3 months working on myself and my vision; I now have organization of my creative pursuits.
  • My family relationships have been healed and strengthened throughout this process
  • My finances health has been strengthened and my goal’s finish lines are in sight. I have much more clarity on my 5/10 year goals regarding finances, which I was lacking in before.

Stephanie Beck Crawford

“Before partaking Your Life Your Way Transformation Coaching with Kristyn, I would wake up literally exhausted without even starting the day. I felt as if I had no purpose in my professional career, no support from my boss, fear of my financial state and even some resentment toward others.

The journey was amazing. I was expecting to do things “wrong” but what I received was constant encouragement and validation. Making sure I did my Bases with Boundaries “homework” and journaling really helped me be present throughout the full journey. I could really see a difference over the course of the coaching.

The end result was finding confidence in my worth! I am not longer stressed and exhausted but rather excited to see where my road will lead me.”