Have you struggled to find the energy to create the life you long for?


Have you tried to do all the things that you “should do,” yet find that your authentic self is nowhere to be seen?


When you get started on an exciting new creative project or path, does your energy feel unfocused and scattered?


  • Feel like you’re EXACTLY who you’re supposed to be, where you’re supposed to be
  • Magnetize the people, situation and opportunities that will make you feel most connected
    and alive
  • Transform the trapped, stuck and unconscious energy in your system into powerful charisma, presence and excitement so that you can feel and experience pleasure without all the guilt
  • Discover your pitfalls and patterns (those limiting beliefs that come up for you over and over again) that secretly limit your confidence, wealth and well-being.
  • Feel truly comfortable, grounded and sexy in your body (yes, you!)

In this program, you’ll be expertly guided by yours truly on a transformational journey to the most authentic version of YOU: loving, confident, passionate, a change agent, a natural intuitive and living a life that has your name written all over it!

Here’s our action plan:

Get clear on what you really value

You’ll examine what your life currently looks like and get CRYSTAL clear about what’s working for you and what’s not so much. You’ll gain clarity about what gives life and work meaning and value for you, and set the foundation so that who you are, what you believe and what you’re actually doing are in alignment. Having this unique personal compass allows you to always be confident that you’re headed in the right direction.

Release your dysfunctional beliefs

You might already have a vision for your ideal life but are plagued with voices of doubt or criticism like, “Who do you think you are?” “You expect someone to pay you for that? Get a real job!” or “You have nothing special to offer.” You will get extreme awareness about where these dysfunctional beliefs stem from and learn proven techniques for breaking through your inner resistance, self-doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keep you playing small so that you can begin taking inspired action with confidence.

Discover the True You

Get ready to let go of illusion of who you think you are based on what other people and society have told you that you should be. You’ll gain a clearer understanding of who you are and what your purpose is based on what your Soul intended, but also have clear insight about the ways that you self-sabotage. You’ll gain clarity on why you may have struggled in the past and learn techniques to overcome self-sabotaging patterns.

Generate Possibilities

You can’t know what you want until you know what you might want. You’ll learn a technique for getting past this inner censor so that you are coming up with the ideas that have been buried deep within you. You’ll create three adventurous plans for your life that are creative, productive, ever-evolving and open to surprises and serendipities!

Set an Outrageous Goal

By not setting big goals, your life is set to default to exactly the way it always has been. You’ll work through feelings of “Is this even allowed?” and “I don’t know how I could possibly get there” so that you are brimming with a new level of confidence and excitement at what could be your new and improved reality.

Uncover Goal Traumas

What if you could discover something that is forcing you to lower your standards and make you half-ass your goals? We’ll uncover this powerful force so that you are taking action with full energy, full belief and with all the creativity you can muster and confidently speak them out loud to give them even more energy and power.

Make Friends with the Inner Critic

You know that voice that tells you that you’re not ready or that tries to be the voice of reason but is really a buzzkill on all of your dreams? You’ll learn how to make friends with this inner critic, so that it’s no longer dominating your actions and what you believe is possible for you.

Learn to Celebrate and Receive

We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you – and being open to receiving it all! What you focus on expands, and everything you are learning and experiencing is your creation. Your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Celebrate what shows up so you can keep getting more and more to celebrate!

The result? A fulfilling lifestyle that allows you more inner peace, confidence and connection to yourself and others.

EVERYBODY should have a Kristyn. Everybody.

“I felt powerless, lost and nothing but the tiniest fraction of my former self. I worried about stability, retirement, my future, my PERSON, did I even matter anymore? I had zero value-add to society and yet I was once this girl who took on the world!! What in the hell happened?????????

“Each week I would come away slightly repaired, my darkness a little bit lighter, my awareness taking on a whole new shape, I could see that incredible transformation that was starting to happen. My old self, my confident self, was clawing her way back out….climbing over the brokenness of past and present, struggling to find air.

Kristyn and her approach were slowly bringing me back to life and I couldn’t believe how it felt.  It was like me meeting an old friend, but that old friend was me!!! I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life!!!”

– Lana Cichon, The Hippie Gypsy

Imagine how would it feel…

  • to be in control of your emotions and in charge of your life again?

  • to feel vibrant and full of energy and excited about the possibilities of each day

  • to feel peaceful, calm and filled with trust while living out new and exciting adventures?

Wondering if this program is right for you?