I work with women just like you who are curious about life, love to learn, travel and explore. They are brimming with wisdom and a desire to share their gifts, but get caught up in putting other people’s needs before their own.

  • 9-5ers looking for a shift in careers
  • Moms looking to add income and flexibility to their lives
  • Empty nesters with a desire to thrive in a new life
  • Natural born teachers looking for clarity of their message
  • Creatives unsure of how their gift can earn them a living
  • Adventurous freedom seekers looking to break out of a rut
  • Spiritual seekers looking to find the hidden within

As with any life coach, I will help you to get clear on your goals, work through areas that you’re stuck and empower you to live your best life. What makes me different is my ability to hold your hand and make you feel safe as we work through the deepest recesses of your mind. My ability to add lightness and fun even when the going gets tough. I don’t hide from what could be considered scary because I know that is the exact fuel for your transformation.

I’m concerned with how to get your life aligned with your values and unique gifts and how to find relief and meaning from your most overwhelming emotions and past experiences. I like to dig deep and get to the root of what is holding you back, shine a light on it with radical awareness so that you’re not repeating the same patterns over and over again.

The Your Life Your Way workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and committed to breaking free of a trapped existence, taking back their power and feeling relief from the guilt, the shame and the anxiety – it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I have nothing special to share” or “I’d love to be living that kind of life, but it’s impossible.”

They were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to gaining more confidence in your uniqueness, owning your desires and feeling inspired to take action.

Being a spunky freedom seeker myself, Im known to work best with other spunky freedom seekers, people who are committed to their success no matter what. I work with those who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to create a life aligned with their unique values and gifts. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and Ill do it!” Consider what youll do with me to be a deep dive on everything you need to know to align your life in a way that is fulfilling, fun and inspiring to others. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: creating your life, your way.

Please know I’m very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results that I promise. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) The Your Life Your Way programs are NOT for those who have no money coming in and are absolutely financially desperate, at least not right away. It’s been my experience that people in financial crisis do not trust the recommendations I give them and do not do the work (and according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, paying your bills and putting food on the table is more pressing than self-actualization). If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK. We’ve all been in times of financial crisis at one point or another. Do yourself (3) favors:

  1. Get some money coming in with a full-time or part-time job at the very least, and then call me. This will take the edge off and provide a little more peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to focus on the Your Life Your Way assignments and the BIG picture. Some of my clients choose to leave traditional employment or shift careers as the result of our work, and I love guiding others in this transition.
  2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive my EFT videos
  3. Sign up for my free gift Create a Life you Love on Your Terms (Click here to download).

Doing these three things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re settled, schedule a Discovery call with me and we’ll see if it’s a good fit. (I believe in divine timing and will be here when you need me.)

To give myself what I need as a coach, I prefer to not work with those who complain more than they take action, those who are skeptical or resistant towards holistic and metaphysical methods and who are not committed to doing the deep transformational work required.

Creating a life you love, your way begins with understanding what your true values are in relation to both your life and your work, knowing where your power really comes from (I’ll give you a hint – within YOU), how to manifest what you want by getting totally clear about what you DON’T want, creating powerful intentions and having a crystal clear image of what your dream life looks like. Heres what the System gets you to do:

1. Get clear on what you really value

You’ll examine what your life currently looks like and get CRYSTAL clear about what’s working for you and what’s not so much. You’ll gain clarity about what gives life and work meaning and value for you, and set the foundation so that who you are, what you believe and what you’re actually doing are in alignment. Having this unique personal compass allows you to always be confident that you’re headed in the right direction.

2. Release your dysfunctional beliefs

You might already have a vision for your ideal life but are plagued with voices of doubt or criticism like, “Who do you think you are?” “You expect someone to pay you for that? Get a real job!” or “You have nothing special to offer.” You will get extreme awareness about where these dysfunctional beliefs stem from and learn proven techniques for breaking through your inner resistance, self-doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keep you playing small so that you can begin taking inspired action with confidence.

3. The essence of You

Get ready to let go of illusion of who you think you are based on what other people have told you that you should be. You’ll gain a clearer understanding of who you are and what your purpose is, but also have clear insight about when you’re going off track. You’ll gain clarity on why you may have struggled in the past and learn techniques to overcome self-sabotaging patterns.

4. Generate Possibilities

You can’t know what you want until you know what you might want. You’ll learn a technique for getting past this inner censor so that you are coming up with the ideas that have been buried deep within you. You’ll create three adventurous plans for your life that are creative, productive, ever-evolving and open to surprises and serendipities!

5. Set an outrageous goal

By not setting an outrageous goal, your life is set to default to exactly the way it always has been. You’ll work through feelings of “Is this even allowed?” “I don’t know how I could possibly get there” so that you are brimming with a new level of confidence and excitement at what could be your reality.

6. Goal Traumas

You know that it’s important to set goals. But what if you could discover something that is forcing you to lower your standards and make you half-ass your goals? We’ll uncover this powerful force so that you are taking action with full energy, full belief and with all the creativity you can muster and confidently speak them out loud to give them even more energy and power.

7. Making Friends with the Inner Critic

You know that voice that tells you that you’re not ready or that tries to be the voice of reason but is really a buzzkill on all of your dreams? You’ll learn how to make friends with this inner critic, so that it’s no longer dominating your actions and what you believe is possible for you.

8. Learn to Celebrate

We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you. What you focus on expands, and everything you are learning and experiencing is of your creation. Your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Celebrate what shows up so you can pave the way for even more success!

In this 3 month coaching package, you’ll get:

  • 9 (60 min) one-on-one coaching sessions via video conference – Supports you with a step-by-step process to help you break old habits and limiting beliefs that have been programmed into your system, create healthier perspectives which will allow you to take streamlined and leveraged actions that will make a huge difference in living a life you love.
  • BONUS Life Purpose Astrology Reading (40 min audio recording) – An exploration into your birth chart, giving you an in-depth look at why you’re on the planet in this lifetime.
  • 1 BONUS up level session (60 min) – This up level session is designed to be used within 1 month of your last session to help you transition even more fully into your transformation.
  • Pre-session prep tool – Helps you prepare yourself to get the most value out of each session.
  • Personalized tapping transcripts from each session
  • Recordings of all sessions – Revisit your discoveries of all the work we do together for even greater insight into your unconscious patterns.
  • Just in time coaching” in between sessions – Share celebrations, insights or homework, and ask questions without having to wait until the next session.
  • Additional resources – Provides you with customized book, app and article recommendations to specifically support you on your transformational journey.

Yes! I specialize in a clinically proven mind-body tool called EFT (emotional freedom techniques). Combining ancient Chinese acupressure points and modern psychology, tapping helps to calm the nervous system and rewire the body to respond to stress in healthier ways. Tapping has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs and chronic pain.

Not only do I have X-ray vision for seeing your emotional blocks, but with this tool we can clear and prevent the negative effects that it has within your body. By making these shifts within both the mind and body, you’ll be amazed by how quickly the self-doubt, guilt, shame and anxiety dissolves. With this new tool in your toolbox, you’ll be confidently taking the actions to move your forward and feel good while doing it.

For more information on the science and research on tapping: https://www.thetappingsolution.com/science-research/

You can expect to:

  • Have big breakthroughs and ah ha moments
  • Let go and release trauma in the body
  • Create new standards for yourself
  • Fill your gas tank & learn how to nurture yourself
  • Reach for your passions in life with excitement
  • Rediscover yourself and fall in love with your life
  • Feel empowered to set goals that you can achieve
  • Embrace your innate creativity
  • Develop more compassion for yourself and others (even the most intense ones that normally trigger you)
  • Be clear concise and honest in your communication
  • Create healthy boundaries
  • Have more ease and grace in your life
  • Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
  • Learn how to say NO and honor your yes and nos
  • Re-write your story
  • Watch your best life unfold with ease
  • Connect with your intuition
  • Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships
  • Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
  • End the drama cycles and patterns
  • Raise your self esteem and self confidence
  • See your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
  • Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone)
  • Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self- sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease

I specialize in getting to the very essence of where limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns stem.  My clients come to me with varying degrees of trauma, which I refer to as big T and little T traumas.  With that said, within our first session, you will already start to feel relief from heavy emotions.  It’s kind of like going to the dentist. Our sessions together give you that deep cleaning, but you still have to brush and floss daily! All my clients who have diligently applied every step of the Your Life Your Way Transformational System feel confident and powerful in their lives and have a clear map of the steps needed to create a life aligned with their newfound beliefs and values.

Yes! I suggest you check out my free downloadable gift Create a Life you Love on your Terms. Download it here.

Congratulations on making a decision to have a more fulfilling life! I’m happy to work with you to create a life you love. The best way to work with me is in my three month Your Life Your Way Transformational System, a one-on-one coaching program. Reach out to me for a Discovery Session and we can see if this is a good fit for you.

Heres some of the results you can expect…

  • Have big breakthroughs and ah ha moments
  • Let go and release trauma in the body
  • Create new standards for yourself
  • Fill your gas tank & learn how to self nurture
  • Reach for your passions in life with excitement
  • Rediscover yourself and fall in love with your life
  • Feel empowered to set goals that you can achieve
  • Embrace your innate creativity
  • Vibrate as a loving being, and become truly unconditionally loving with all your relationships (even the most intense ones that normally trigger you)
  • Develop more compassion for yourself and others
  • Be clear concise and honest in your communication
  • Create healthy boundaries
  • Have more ease and grace in your life
  • Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
  • Learn how to say NO and honor your yes and nos
  • Re-write your story
  • Watch your best life unfold with ease
  • Connect with your intuition
  • Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships
  • Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
  • End the drama cycles and patterns
  • Raise your self esteem and self confidence
  • See your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
  • Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone)
  • Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self- sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease

Amazing! It sounds like youre ready to be pulled into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at kristyn@kristynavalos.com or schedule a discovery session and Ill be happy to walk you through the next steps. I cant wait to see you create a life you love and am honored to be the one to help you. Lets do this!

Some of My Clients

Kristyn is a highly intuitive transformational life coach who can help you move from fear, boredom and feeling lost in your life and career to excitement, passion, and clarity about the direction to take. She is not afraid to ask the hard questions to get to your truth, yet does so in a gentle, nurturing way so that you feel completely supported and safe. She helps you identify clear action steps towards your transformation so that you are not left guessing. Change can be really scary...Kristyn's calm and peaceful demeanor creates space for you make the changes you desire.

May PaolimSassy Life Coach for Moms

Kristyn has an incredible way of identifying the real issues keeping you from feeling fulfilled and excited about your life. You'll have moments of 'Wow, I had no idea but that completely makes sense'. She isn't afraid to dig in and ask the hard questions, yet does it with such compassion that you can't help but open up. You finally get to feel heard and understood.  She brings an immediate sense of calm and helps you have the confidence to navigate to a true transformation. Working with Kristyn is a life-changing experience!

Joanne MosellenBusiness Coach

Kristyn has the ability to help and guide you to laser in on an issue that needs to be shifted. She has vast knowledge about how we sabotage ourselves and prevents us from moving forward. I highly recommend her as a transformational coach.

Madison FrederickThe Life Shifting Coach

When I began coaching with Kristyn, I was having great difficulty trying to start a new business. I had been a stay-at-home mom, so I was very insecure on what I should focus on and where I should start. Kristyn helped me connect to my internal wisdom to find my unique way of doing business. Thanks to Kristyn’s guidance, I was able to connect to my inner power and felt like a hero at the end. I highly recommend Kristyn if you’re looking to be guided through a tough transition in your life. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Lada Pilarova

Every single week Kristyn meets me wherever I am at, regardless if it is "on topic."  Every session has some element of being lifesaving, life growing and life altering for me.  I am filled with such gratitude that she has been able to sustain this ride with me.  EVERYBODY should have a Kristyn.  EVERYBODY.

Lana CichonThe Hippie Gypsy Life