How to Find your Passion –
New Moon in Aries

I was not cut out for a 9-5 desk job. Yet for years, I sat behind a desk trying to make it work. I didn’t speak up about how bored I was or what my true interests were because I thought this was the way that things had to be.

I felt that I should be grateful to even have a job given my limited work experience. I questioned if I even deserved better.

Luckily, I worked with a boss who was passionate about her career. She didn’t go to work for a paycheck. She lived and breathed her work.

My old way of doing things – keeping quiet, playing small, trying to hide – couldn’t work around a person with so much passion and determination.

Even though she taught me some challenging lessons, she propelled me to live a life that’s truly mine.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and initiates the spring season. Carrying a masculine charge, Aries represents the vitality of life and the promise of new beginnings. Think about areas of your life that need a little spring cleaning. Aries energy gives you the motivation you need to make it happen.

If you want assistance with this, it’s the perfect time to revisit my free gift to you, Create a Life you Love.

With Mercury now moving forward, you should have a better idea of the purpose of your past and some ideas bubbling to the surface about where you want to go.

Rewilding is a call for you to be an individual. It’s time to stop doing things the way they’ve always been done or the way that you’ve always done them.

You know the old saying, ‘If you do what you did, you’ll get what you got.’It’s a time to dig deep and find out what makes you passionate.

Aries connects to your third chakra, which is the energetic seat of your willpower.

If you’ve been feeling lost, stuck, depressed, unmotivated or without direction, there’s a good chance your third chakra needs some lovin’.Take some time to reflect on these journaling prompts and start reclaiming your power!

Tapping for fear of rejection and judgment

Aries New Moon Passion Prompts:

  • What are the things that you love to do even if you don’t get paid for it?
  • What would you do if you weren’t afraid? How about if you knew you only had 48 hours to live?
  • What makes you angry?
  • How do you self-sabotage your forward movement?

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: BOUNDARIES LADIES, BOUNDARIES!!!

When you get enmeshed in the needs and energies of other people’s dramas and traumas, YOU GIVE AWAY YOUR POWER.

Pay attention to relationships where you’re treating an adult in your life, whether a spouse, an ex, a sibling or a child, like a child. When boundaries are weak, the relationships you have with other people will suffer.

Not only do you lose your identity in the process, but you are taking away the other person’s ability to do what’s necessary to build their own self-esteem and confidence.

Stepping up in your personal power means laying down hard truths that might be tough for other people to hear (and for you to say aloud!).  It means learning to say no, and knowing that guilt is not a sign that you’ve done something wrong!  It means getting outside of your comfort zone over and over again. 

So tell me, where is your passion taking you today?