Finding Nourishment: New Moon in Cancer

Published June 27, 2022

by Kristyn Avalos, spiritual empowerment coach and astrologer

And then the day came

when the risk

to remain tight

in a bud

was more painful

than the risk

it took

to blossom

 Anaïs Nin

Tuesday’s new moon falls in the feminine sign of Cancer.

Cancer is a water sign, so it’s a good time for an emotional check-in.

How have you been feeling lately?

Ruled by the moon, your intuition and instincts might be speaking to you more strongly in the month ahead.

Remember that the moon rules the tides of water. How are things flowing in your life? Are you in a phase of ebb or flow?

This is a great time to journal or pen your memoirs.

To make the most of this time, it’s best to adopt a slower pace and ask, ‘how can I receive life?’

Cancer: The Crab

Cancer is represented by the crab. 

The crab has a hard shell to protect a soft inside. 

We humans tend to build up emotional walls to avoid future pain and heartbreak. But now isn’t the time to cling to hurt.

All of us are living through profoundly emotional times right now. We’re also beginning to feel our very safety threatened, especially around the ability to feed ourselves. America, being born on July 4, 1776, is a Cancer nation. It’s important to understand our past and honor our traditions.

Cancer’s strength, of course, is in embracing its vulnerability.

In Daring Greatly, Brené Brown says, “Vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings. To feel is to be vulnerable. To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness. To foreclose on our emotional life out of a fear that the costs will be too high is to walk away from the very thing that gives purpose and meaning to living.”

What do you need to feel safe enough to confront life?  What will help you come out of your shell?

Brown goes on to say, “One could argue that weakness often stems from a lack of vulnerability—when we don’t acknowledge how and where we’re tender, we’re more at risk of being hurt. Far from being an effective shield, the illusion of invulnerability undermines the very response that would have supplied genuine protection.”

The 4th House: Home and Nurturing

Cancer rules the 4th house of the zodiac.

The number four connects to foundations. Literally, the source from which all other things are built from.

The 4th house connects to:

  • your physical home and how it makes you feel
  • your emotional home
  • roots/ancestry (i.e. family patterning)

I’m working from home full-time now, so I’m adjusting to a new way of being.

It’s forcing me to really look at my energy levels throughout the day. I’m learning how to bring more nourishment to myself.

For example, I give my best and most focused energy during the morning because that’s when it’s available for me. During the afternoon, I find that I need more frequent breaks.

In the evenings, I find it important for me to put some separation between “work” and “home”.

Opposite the 4th house is the 10th house, home to Capricorn.

The 4th house relates to emotional nourishment while the 10th house speaks to your outward success.

Are these realms working in harmony or disharmony right now?

You just might find that taking time to slow down and process your feelings leaves you feeling even more connected and creative when you get back to interacting with life again!

Spiritual Toolbox

Affirmations for Intuition and Vulnerability

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  • I am choosing to feel safe slowing down and receiving.
  • I am choosing to be reborn each day.
  • I am choosing to bless the unfolding of my life.

Reflection Questions

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  • What are some of the words and feelings that come up for you as you start your morning? How can you give yourself more of what you need throughout the day to feel better?
  • Who is a role model in femininity for you? Describe those qualities and how they’ve impacted your upbringing?
  • When you felt scared or hurt, how did my caregiver(s) address my emotions? How would I have liked them to?

Cancer New Moon Meditation

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– Kristyn

Kristyn Avalos Spiritual Empowerment and Astrology

Are you exhausted, confused, anxious or just plain stuck? (Or maybe all of the above?)

Is your Soul yearning to: 

  • experience life with more confidence
  • co-create with more joy
  • explore with more trust 
  • contribute to the healing of the planet

Are you ready to reclaim, repair, and knit together all the pieces of the authentic you that were lost within when you were wounded in your past?

Then you just might ready for the healing journey of your life…

Learn more about my 3-month coaching package, the Your Life Your Way Transformation.

It’s time to get off that roller coaster of emotions and start riding the waves of spiritual awakening!

I want to help you hear your soul’s calling, find the courage to co-create something new, and to feel freedom, joy, power and passion.

You can make your personal transformation not just one that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, but one that ends up contributing to the well-being of all.

The more authentic and real you’re willing to become, the more you have the power to co-create a much better world not just for you but for all of us.

Your personal evolution will not only inspire others but help in raising the vibration and consciousness of everyone around the globe.

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#cancer #newmoon #astrology #4thhouse #nourish #home #crab #flow

Thanks to Freephotocc and Pixabay for the cover photo