Birthing Solutions: New Moon in Virgo

Published August 27, 2022

by Kristyn Avalos, spiritual empowerment coach and intuitive astrologer

Human beings are not known for their great love of change, but if nature teaches us anything, it is the reality of constant transformation.

 Chris Maddox, The Wild Woman Project

The August 27th New Moon falls in the service-oriented sign of Virgo.

In the Virgo Constellation, the Virgin is seen holding a piece of wheat, a symbol that she is there to nourish and serve herself and the world.

Virgo is represented by the Virgin or “one unto herself.”

According to archetypal astrologer Rebecca Farrar, “Virginity belongs to each of us as an expression of wholeness and divinity and the stories of the virgin goddesses remind us of the power of our own sovereignty.”

Ruler of the 6th house of the zodiac chart, Virgo speaks to your:

  • daily habits and routines
  • work or vocation
  • way of processing (i.e. digestion, information)

There is very much a “chop wood, carry water” energy when it comes to Virgo.

What you put in, you will get out. That could connect to the food that you eat as it relates to your health or the thoughts that you think as it relates to your mood.

Allowing yourself to be purified and healed is a conscious process requiring mindful thoughts and actions.

Virgo: The Virgin

When thinking about the Virgin archetype, I was reminded of something I recently learned about the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

In her book, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, author Mary Rigoglioso explores the topic around Mary and the lineage of virgin births.

She says, “Now is the moment for us to recognize the Divine Feminine figure of Mother Mary, not as a passive bystander to her own pregnancy, but rather as a specialized priestess who, among many other accomplishments, deliberately planned and carried out the miraculous conception of her son.”

Virgo is also correlated with the High Priestess archetype, which speaks to tuning into one’s own knowing to heal oneself and the world.

Purification and Healing

“The secret folds of that Gospel reveal the truth about Mary, a truth that is very ancient but will probably seem new to you. The truth is that Mary indeed did conceive Jesus in a miraculous way. But she did so not through some kind of divine force that was using her body for its own agenda; she accomplished this feat through a careful process that she willed and initiated, and for which she was trained by a lineage of holy women before her.”

This was a revelation to me, and shifted my perspective in a whole new way. At the same time, it made total sense to me because this was literally the definition of virgin – she created “unto herself!”

Rigoglioso said, “Mary was born into a family and a history of women who possessed, cultivated, and passed on the ability to consciously conceive elevated beings to help the planet. Mary was one of several powerful priestesses in her family and ancestry who had command over the human conception process, and she took this art to a whole new level.”

Releasing Tension: T-Square Energy

The New Moon chart forms what’s known as a T-Square in astrology.

I often refer to the T-Square as a tense angle, but the ‘T’ can also stand for talent.

This is because when channeled properly, it can produce an energy that births creative solutions.

Involved in this cosmic lineup are the following themes:

  • Saturn (sense of ethical responsibility and duty)
  • Uranus (chaos, progress) with North Node (mission + destiny)
  • Venus (creating/relating)

Saturn and Uranus are both retrograding at the time of this new moon. They’ve been in this push-pull dynamic on and off for the past couple of years. We’re now being given the opportunity to process some of the energy that’s been sparked – and believe me, a LOT has been sparked!!

I feel that the lesson of this new moon speaks to the legacy of Christ consciousness that is contained within each of us.

How can you serve as a vessel for this process?

Spiritual Toolbox

Affirmations for Health and Well-Being

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  • I am claiming my natural powers and co-creating my reality with Source.
  • Every level and layer of my being is cleansed, resolved, alchemized and transformed.
  • I am effortlessly centering myself with healthy habits that support my well-being.

Reflection Questions

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  • What makes me valuable?
  • What do I value?
  • What is a worthy pursuit of my time and energy?
  • Where in my life could I use a Divine solution?  The world?

I’d love to hear from you. Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing my videos!
– Kristyn

Kristyn Avalos Spiritual Empowerment and Astrology

Are you exhausted, confused, anxious or just plain stuck? (Or maybe all of the above?)

Is your Soul yearning to: 

  • experience life with more confidence
  • co-create with more joy
  • explore with more trust 
  • contribute to the healing of the planet

Are you ready to reclaim, repair, and knit together all the pieces of the authentic you that were lost within when you were wounded in your past?

Then you just might ready for the healing journey of your life…

Learn more about my 3-month coaching package, the Your Life Your Way Transformation.

It’s time to get off that roller coaster of emotions and start riding the waves of spiritual awakening!

I want to help you hear your soul’s calling, find the courage to co-create something new, and to feel freedom, joy, power and passion.

You can make your personal transformation not just one that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, but one that ends up contributing to the well-being of all.

The more authentic and real you’re willing to become, the more you have the power to co-create a much better world not just for you but for all of us.

Your personal evolution will not only inspire others but help in raising the vibration and consciousness of everyone around the globe.

Schedule a FREE Discovery Session:

#virgo #newmoon #astrology #6thhouse #virgin

*Thanks to Daniel Reche and Pixabay for the cover photo