Saying Yes to Pleasure: New Moon in Taurus

Published April 29, 2022

by Kristyn Avalos, spiritual empowerment coach and astrologer

It’s easy to want change, but it’s hard to actually change.  You have to be willing to be uncomfortable, enter the unknown, do things your ego doesn’t want to do.  You have to value being true to what you glimpse as possible – to the heart of your heart.”

Geneen Roth, author of Lost and Found

The new moon falls in the earthy sign of Taurus on April 30, 2022.

Though Taurus is known for its grounded and stable nature, expect a bit of uprooting in the months ahead.

That’s because eclipse season is here!

This Taurus new moon happens to be a partial solar eclipse. What’s more? The sun and moon meet up with the innovative (yet unpredictable) planet Uranus.

According to the Astrotwins, “Equal parts eerie and magical, solar eclipses remind us that all that glitters ain’t gold. Look in a new direction during a solar eclipse because that’s where opportunity lies. This can feel scary, since letting go of control will be necessary. Eclipses can also stir up buried desires, forcing us to acknowledge what we really want. Remember that change is inevitable! And it can be beautiful once we finally surrender.”

Yin Energy: It’s All About Receiving

Pay attention to how things are flowing in your life. Allow what needs to come, come and what needs to go, go. Otherwise, this eclipse energy is likely to turn your world upside down.

As a yin earth sign, Taurus turns our attention towards receptivity: the willingness to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.

This energy is heightened as Venus, Taurus’s ruler, is joining Neptune in Jupiter in watery Pisces. All three planets are incredibly at home here in Pisces. 

The planetary alignments are offering a rare opportunity to manifest your dreams and desires in a way that’s grounded and feels good.

Reclaim your right to feel and let your imagination soar!

Taurus and the 2nd Chakra

Interestingly, the glyph for Taurus is the bull. Taurus is nothing if not practical.  The main concern is about maintaining safety and security.

There are basic needs that have to be fulfilled to carry on the life of humanity on earth – food, sex, money and love.

However, if you look at it closely, you can see the shape of female reproductive organs.

This ties Taurus to the second chakra, connecting to the pelvis and womb region.  It holds the space for creation and the unmanifest.

Its ruler, Venus, is a reminder that life can feel good too.

Why not fill your cup with beauty and pleasure?

Feelings + Attraction = Pleasure

According to Anodea Judith, “emotions are the result of consciousness meeting the body.”

The second chakra represents how sensitive and sensual we allow ourselves to feel.

We create our self-image in this space, which determines how we feel about ourselves and in our physical bodies.

When the second chakra is imbalanced, we try to control situations. Life becomes rigid and stiff.

You’re especially likely to feel that in your body…especially in the hips, neck and lower back/pelvis region.

A lot of times, these imbalances stem from not allowing yourself to feel at all.

In many instances, this numbing is meant for the more challenging emotions, such as pain or sadness.

However, the more positive emotions like joy and pleasure get numbed out too.

A balanced second chakra will allow the expression and movement of all emotions.

In The Sevenfold Journey, Judith says, “Pleasure and pain are outgrowths of the survival mechanism. When survival needs are properly taken care of, the organism naturally turns toward pleasure. Pain is an indication that something is threatening survival…Pain makes us contract, withdraw and pull our energy inward. Pleasure, then, helps us expand our consciousness.”

Worth and Value: Balancing the 2nd Chakra

As the ruler of the zodiac’s second house, Taurus speaks to the way that you value yourself.

  • What brings you nourishment?
  • How about pleasure?
  • How willing are you to actually receive good things?

In other words, how attractive do you feel?

Oftentimes, the relationships you attract and your ability to attract money are the reflection of your own self-worth.

The fear of receiving is ultimately about lack of trust.

Trust requires vulnerability.

The answer lies in the energy of the number two. Balance is required. Maintaining a connection to your center and Source energy allows energy to flow to you in all directions. 

Change becomes a natural manifestation of this alignment.

Work through this fear by inviting movement into your life in some way. Take a bath.  Dance.  Have sex.  Feel the earth beneath your feet. 

The key is allowing yourself to feel all the pleasures that life has to offer!

Spiritual Toolbox

Affirmations for Security and Self-Worth

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  • I am choosing to create money in a way that feels good.
  • I am choosing to believe that life is happening for me not to me.
  • I am choosing to value my unique talents.
  • I am accepting the best life has to offer.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you nurture yourself? How does it feel when you do this?
  • What do you really want that you’re not asking for? What resistance do you have to receiving these things?
  • What does pleasure mean to you? How does it increase your value?

2nd Chakra Tapping: Tapping to Receive

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– Kristyn

Kristyn Avalos Spiritual Empowerment and Astrology

Are you exhausted, confused, anxious or just plain stuck? (Or maybe all of the above?)

Is your Soul yearning to: 

  • experience life with more confidence
  • co-create with more joy
  • explore with more trust 
  • contribute to the healing of the planet

Are you ready to reclaim, repair, and knit together all the pieces of the authentic you that were lost within when you were wounded in your past?

Then you just might ready for the healing journey of your life…

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It’s time to get off that roller coaster of emotions and start riding the waves of spiritual awakening!

I want to help you hear your soul’s calling, find the courage to co-create something new, and to feel freedom, joy, power and passion.

You can make your personal transformation not just one that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, but one that ends up contributing to the well-being of all.

The more authentic and real you’re willing to become, the more you have the power to co-create a much better world not just for you but for all of us.

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Thanks to Pexels and Pixabay for the cover photo